Monday, 31 December 2018

Week two Day three

Activity one First you sea me now you don't.......

Hey bloggers!!! Today's Activity for Summer learning Journey is to say weather or not I am an owl or an early riser. Then describe the rest of my family.

I would have to be a both because an night owl is someone who stays up late and an early riser is someone who wakes up early. I do both I would stay up late and wake up early maybe if I go sleep at 10:00pm I would wake up at around 7:00aam.

Now my family well they are the same as me but my little brother and my sister sometimes if all the family woke up at 8:00am they would sleep till 9:00am or sometimes even to 10:00am. My sister Lavinia sleeps in the latest even though sometimes she goes sleep first. My brother Dustine sleeps in alot most of the time. My other brother Conroy he and my dad wake up early to play PS3 but sometimes my Dad wakes up to go to the gym. Me and my Mum wake up early to clean and to have breakfast but me most of the time I wake up but don't get out of bed till someone else wakes up then we all watch TV.

Hope you enjoyed seeing what I did. Make sure you comment down below. Blog you later.

Activity two

For this activity I have to type down my favourite food recipe which is pancakes. Pancakes are really easy to make so you can use this recipe to make some anyday.
  •  One cup of self raising flour
  • Two Tbsp of white sugar
  • one cup of milk
  • One egg lightly beaten
  • 30g butter, melted (or margarine)

 When served a banana and maple
     syrup or golden syrup

Image result for pancakes chelsea sugar

Thursday, 27 December 2018

Extra Activity

Talofa bloggers!!!! Todays task is to blog about two plants that you dont see everyday. The two plants I have chosen is the Rafflesia Arnoldii and the Baseball plant. We have to list three simalarities and three difference.


Rafflesia Arnoldii                                       Baseball plant

Hope you enjoyed it blog you later!!!! Make sure to comment!!!😃😃😃