Wednesday 9 December 2020


The turtles escape!

Bula Bloggers! On Monday we had a visit from a turtle. TJ a boy at school was walking and he found a turtle. It was a Red Eared Terrapin turtle. All the kids crowded around the turtle, we took it to the office where they put it in a box and I took it to class. When I got to class everyone was dying to see it but no one was allowed or it would scare him. We posted a photo of it on the Hillsborough page. We found out that this type of turtle is actually a pest so when we called the S.P.C.A but they turned it down. They actually don't take in turtles. It was the cutest animal. It has red ears with small flippers and it also had little nails to. It was as big as about a book. The funniest thing was it kept escaping so during class everyone screamed when it crawled out and nearly made it out the door. In the end when I took it back up to the office the owner was there cause she had seen him on social media. She said he must have gotten out and crawled across the street to our school. It was a cool experience and I now really want a turtle.
Have you found an animal at your school?? Hope you enjoyed my blog!
Blog you later!! 

Monday 7 December 2020

Summer Learning Journey Teaser

 Hey bloggers. 

Today I will be blogging about the Summer Learning Journey Teaser. 
We signed up for the Summer learning Journey today. This week we are only doing a teaser. Our Task was to make a copy of an original art piece. My art piece was called 'Under the wave off Kanagawa' 

Here is the original and the copy I made.

No.1                                                                                   No.2

Guess which one is mine and which is the Original??

Thanks for reading my blog and please comment below!
Blog you later!

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Skateboarding Lessons

Hola Bloggers! 

Today we didn't do any boring maths instead we did skateboarding! 
We had a session on skateboarding. The first thing we did was find a skateboard and a helmet and put it on. We had to fall forward and the first leg that stopped you from falling would be the front leg. If you used your right leg you were a natural, if you used your left you are a goofy. Then we got to ride around and after we got split into two groups. We did different excersices like lunging on the skateboard and balancing on one foot.

What was great about the lesson and what was challenging?

The lesson was great but there were somethings that I found challenging. When we had to balance on one foot my left foot wasn't as easy as my right foot. Also when we were playing what's the time Mr Wolf I had a little trouble with stopping fast but I got the hang of it. Before we started playing the game we were learning how to tic tac and to do a crab walk. The crab walk was very hard to do and I fell off once but I think I am better now.

What we have learnt?

I learnt so many new things. Some things that I learnt today was to balance on my skateboard with my eyes closed, it took me a while but I got it. Also I learnt how to stand on a skateboard properly and how to use the tail and nose on the skateboard. A nose on a skateboard is the front of the board and the tail is the back. We also learnt lots of new tricks on the skateboard.

What have we gained from learning to skateboard?

I really enjoyed skateboarding and now I have another fun thing to do. I have gained a fun way to exercise and a new cool sport. Also I am more confident and have a growth mindset on skateboarding. I have gained new skills and have much more enthusiasm for skateboarding. 

I really enjoyed skateboarding and I can't wait to have more sessions!
I hope you enjoyed my blog. If you can please comment down below.
Blog you later!!

Thursday 12 November 2020


Four Nights of Acting!

Talofa Lava Bloggers. 
Today I will be blogging about our schools production. Every two year our school hosts our very own production at Waikowhai Intermediate. This years production was based on the Disney film Aladdin and Ms McGrath wrote a new script and it was called Jasmine and Aladdin. We have been practicing for thirteen weeks, through lockdown on a google meet and after schools. Sometimes the rehearsals got very boring and tiring after a long day and then having Ms McGrath yell at us about things we already know didn't help. Although of all of that I loved the nights and I think that all the practices very worth it.

Last week on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday we had our shows and on Wednesday and Thursday we had our night shows. We had to get there at 6pm to get changed into our costumes and then some people had to get makeup. The main characters had to have heaps of makeup. The night was crowded and sitting down for a while was boring but I loved the class dances. Here is a little break down of the show.

The show is about an evil Magician who tries to take over the kingdom of Hasbah and a Strong and Stubborn Princess who meets a kind and brave person in the market place named Aladdin who was willing to help her and help her achieve her dream to travel. There is also a Genie of the lamp who helps them along the way. While Omar the Magician tries taking over he sets a spell on the Sultan to marry him to the Princess. Aladdin is put in the dungeon for helping Jasmine the princess but then he breaks out and they defeat Omar and then lock him away. In the end the Princess is with her friends and she gets to travel with Aladdin, Genie and Persia Aladdin cat. They all lived happily ever after.

The production was fun, at times boring but over all it was an amazing experience. 
I hope you enjoyed my blog post! If you can please comment down below! 

Thursday 29 October 2020

Wonder Project Final Rocket Launch

 3, 2, 1 launch

Talofa Lava Bloggers! 
Today I will be blogging about our wonder project and our final launch. Term 3 &4 we have been working with a scientist, our ambassador Melissa to work towards building a rocket. My groups name was Incredible Thinkers and I was with Faith, Anthony, and Yousuf. Our first test flight we used a plastic 1.5 litre bottle with the top of another bottle to be our nose cone. We also used cardboard to make some fins for the rocket and stuck them on with some hot glue. It was fine though because if we did it fast it wouldn't melt the plastic. 

Our rocket didn't go very far so we made some modifications for our final flight. We made the fins bigger and we used a different bottle for the nose cone. When we went outside we waited for our turn we launched our rocket but then it nose dived straight down to the ground. We added 250mls and we used a pump to add pressure to the water and that's how we launched our rocket. 

My groups rocket only went 14 metres and the furthest one went 35.6 metres. 
Maybe next time to make our rocket go further we could add some weight and add some more fins. I still loved the rocket and it was really fun!
Here is the video of our rockets launch, and some photos!

                                  Ambassador Melissa

                                                        My Group but we are missing Anthony

Friday 23 October 2020

Garden to table

 Mmmm, Vegetables

Fakalofa Atu Bloggers! Happy Niuean Language week. Today I will be blogging about how we grew some delicious vegetables and then made some even better Cauliflower cheese. In the start of term three we planted seedlings and me and Hosanna planted some Cauliflower and Brocoflour. Over time they grew and grew into big delicious veggies. We cut them off the big stem then the following day, people from the gardening group and environmental group help make some food. Miss Daly helped make the Cauliflower cheese then we all had some! It was delicious and it made me like Cauliflower. In the end everyone had some and most people liked it and some didn't really. My favourite part about doing this was that we grew our own vegetables and turned it into a delicious meal!
Hope you enjoyed my blog! Blog you later! Here are some photos!

Film Festival

 3, 2, 1 ACTION

Talofa Lava bloggers! Today I will be blogging about this years Film Festival. This year because of Covid-19 it was hard to come up with some ideas and film, also because of bad weather. We got into groups of five or six and brainstormed some ideas. This years theme was Kindness. I think that the theme was very relevant because of all that has happened. All the schools entered two - three but because ours were great we submitted all four. We went to St Lukes Cinema to watch all the other schools films and a bonus we got a free Choc top or a free popcorn! It was fun and cool, getting to see all these new and funny films! Bye!

Here are our four films!

The Lockdown show 

The Act of Kindness

Don't Judge a book by its cover,   Me and my groups film

The Kindness Comedy

Friday 4 September 2020

Mindfulness and song of the day!

Kia Ora bloggers! Today I will be blogging about Mindfulness and our song of the day. In Te Waka Ako since I have come back we have been watching a Mindfulness video in the morning and then after we would listen to a song. I came back on Tuesday so I had to catch up with some stuff but it was fine. After the roll my class would go into Hauraki the class next to us and do some Mindfulness. The reason we do this is to start our day fresh and Mindful. We do a song of the day to connect with the song and to appreciate songs! It is really cool. One of the songs we have done is Feel inside (and stuff like that) and we did a Go noodle Mindfulness video. It is really cool and relaxing!

Hope you have enjoyed my blog! If you can please comment below! 
Have you tried Mindfulness in the Morning? Have you stopped and just listened to a song?
Blog you later!

Monday 24 August 2020


I never knew that!

Hola Bloggers! Today I will be blogging about science. Last week on Friday and today I did some science. Last week I had nothing to do so I thought I would search up science experiments! When I did it came up with how to make a balloon blow up by itself! And I immediately watched the video and had all the things I needed and started. If you want to try it out here is the instructions: First make sure you have Vinegar (Any type), a balloon, Baking soda, and a bottle preferably a small one. Then you can start.
So again first, measure 1/3 of vinegar then pour it in a bottle.
Second, put 1 teaspoon of Baking Soda in the balloon.
Next put the end of the balloon on the bottle.
Make sure to take the lid off and do not get any baking soda on the bottle yet.
Now finally, lift the balloon up so the baking soda falls then let go and step back!
It will blow up by itself.

Last week I did it and it was so good, so this week I decided to try and see what happens if I did it with a different vinegar and it had the same reaction. Or maybe not my brother was helping me and he put a tad to much baking soda. I also did one with my brother and we had two glasses of water half way in one we put an egg and in the other we added a lot of salt then the egg it worked.
The one that had salt in the egg floated and the one that didn't the egg sunk to the bottom.
The reason for that is the more density there is the easier it will float. In the ocean it has more density so it's easy to float but in a lake it does not have salt so it has no density. Which means it's harder to float. The first time we did it I said to fill the cup up all the way so it didn't work the first time but we tried again with the water half way in the cup and it floated!

I had so much fun in the end of the first experiment I did at the top when I took the balloon off it sort of blew up and the bit of vinegar that got in the balloon went everywhere!
I hope you enjoyed my blog post! If you can please comment below and
here are some photos and a video!

Here is the video!

Friday 21 August 2020

Production Rehearsals

The show must go on! 🎥🎬

Kia Ora bloggers! Today I will be blogging about my online production rehearsals! Well as you all know we are in lockdown! In an earlier post I blogged about my school production. We still need to be memorizing and learning lines because as the saying goes 'The show must go on'! So since we can't meet up and have a rehearsal we are having google meet rehearsals! It is so much fun! Today was my first one because I accidentally forgot it was Wednesday and didn't go on Wednesday this week! Since then I have remembered! We are also having online classes to everyday. Back to rehearsals we have fun and we do it for about half and hour to forty five minutes! It is cool! My favourite part is the scene where I am in (Obviously)! Not only because I am in it but for another reason! No spoilers though!

Hope you enjoyed my blog! Be sure to leave a comment below!

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Pork Buns

 Mmm...That smells good!

Chaírete bloggers! It means hello in Greek! Today I will be blogging about how me and my brother made pork buns! Conroy my brother used to make pork buns in last lockdown and this time I got to help him. This is one of my favourite things to do. First, Conroy made the dough. You have to leave the bowl in hot water for two hours but my brother forgot and left them for a long while longer. Then, my Mum came and helped us with needing the dough. Once that was done we rolled all the dough out and took pieces off and rolled them out. When we finished rolling a piece of dough you add some meat in the middle on kind of fold over the meat with the other ends of the dough. Finally when we finished all the dough and meat we boiled the water and steamed the buns. It takes half an hour to steam then you can eat them. They were delicious!
Hope you enjoyed my blog if you have time please comment below! 
Here are some photos!

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Talofa Lava bloggers! Today I will be blogging about me and my brothers baking! Yesterday on Monday me and my brother Dustine made delicious chocolate chip cookies. First, we creamed the butter and caster sugar together and then we added the condensed milk and mixed it together.
Once we did that then we sifted in the flour and baking powder in and mixed it together.
And then finally when that was done we added the chocolate chips in. After all of that we rolled them into balls and cut out star shaped cookies we put them in the oven. When they finally came out they were delicious chocolate chip cookies with melted chocolate chips they were amazing. I had lots of fun helping my brother with his baking yesterday. Today my older brother is making pork buns and I might be making some fried bread.
Hope you enjoyed my blog post! Here are some photos!

The stuff that looks burnt is just melted chocolate!

Friday 7 August 2020

Saturday Netball

Kia Orana bloggers! Today I will be blogging about Saturday Netball. Mrs Jones and Miss Daly take two teams on Saturday to play Netball. Sometimes when they can't make the games two parents step in and help out. My Mum and Sally are the people who manage Stars. Stars is one of the Netball teams. The two teams are called Magic & Stars. Last week Stars had their first game and Magic had their second. Stars had a bye the week before so they didn't play. A bye is when there is a odd amount of teams and one team can't play each week. Stars won their first game 32 - 5. It was amazing! Sadly Magic lost their game but they did their best. Saturday Netball is so fun and I can't wait for the game tomorrow!
Hope you enjoyed my blog post. If you have time please comment down below!
Here are some photos!

Friday 31 July 2020

Production reshearsals!

Three, Two, One Action!

Talofa lava bloggers! Today I will be blogging about our production rehearsals! In Te Waka Ako everyone is busy learning lines for our production. This year we have a production called Jasmine and Aladdin. Miss McGrath is the producer and director of the production (& all round super star)! Every Friday in the middle block we have a rehearsal with Miss McGrath. During rehearsals we run through the scenes. Brittany is Jasmine and she has been working very hard and so has Masi who is Aladdin. We have rehearsals after school too from 3:15 to 4:15. The production is in Term 4 so we have some time to practice. Production rehearsals are very fun and Miss McGrath is very good at acting and she arranged the wonderful script and is very talented. I can't wait till production night! 
Hope you enjoyed my blog post! If you have time please comment down below! 
Self made poster not the real cover!

Friday 24 July 2020

Matariki Celebration

Its a new year!

Talofa Lava Bloggers! Today I will be blogging about Matariki. This Thursday our whole school celebrated Matariki in our classes. Matariki is the Maori new year. A special constellation comes for about a week every year. In the Maori culture its best to harvest around this time. Our school celebrated this in our classes. The seniors did three different activities they were stop motion animation retelling a Matariki story with Miss Daly. Also Maori kites called Manu Tukutuku with Mrs Law, and delicious Fried Bread with Mrs Jones. My favourite activity was Fried Bread with Mrs Jones. 

First we made the dough with Self Raising Flour and water. Then, we divided the dough and split into groups and cut the dough.  After, we went and fried the bread with a teacher and then put some toppings on top like Golden syrup, Nutella, Butter and Jam. We ate it and it was delicious!!
I had such a fun day and am sad I won't be here next year to do it again.
Hope you enjoyed my blog post! Did you celebrate Matariki? If you did what did you do?
If you have any spare time please comment below! Blog you later! Here are some photos!



Friday 3 July 2020

Cross Country

Talofa Lava Bloggers! Today I will be blogging about my awesome day yesterday! Yesterday we had a School Cross Country. It was so fun. In the start of the day we set everything up and then got ready. Once everyone was ready we started. The leaders and house captains lead 4 - 5 different games. My game was a blindfold game. My partners were Ruta, Demitrius, and Izumi. I had so much fun and got a little frustrated. My game is simple you get a partner, one of you wears a blindfold and the other lead them to the other side. You can't touch them if you are leading you have to lead vocally and on the way to the other side you have to help them pick up something like a beanbag.

When we had the last two groups we were exhausted. People managed to make our game confusing!! We ended up playing tidy your room. We relaxed because in this game we didn't need to do anything. I had fun bu the end of the day was coming and the best part of the day was soon. The RACE! It was so fun. I would do it again. I came first! Jaimie on of my best friends came second and Rael came 3rd. Brittany came fourth. I had so much fun that day. Hope you enjoyed my blog post!
Here is a video of our day!

Friday 26 June 2020

Personal Response

Chicken Sunday

Talofa lava bloggers! Today I will be blogging about my personal response. Yesterday we did a personal response on a book we read called Chicken Sunday! If you don't know what a personal response is its a document. On the doc it says what you liked, disliked, confused about and some others. We write at least 2 - 3 opinions on what it was. 

We did it on this book because its about discrimination and religious racism and acceptance. We have been looking at this topic for the last three weeks! We have read about the incident on George Floyd. This book is all about how you shouldn't and should treat each other! The book was about kids wanting to get something for their Grandma and they try earn money but something unexpected happened. I won't tell you everything there is a video below reading the story. I really enjoyed this and I hope you enjoyed my blog post. If you have any free time please comment down below! Here is the link to my response and the video reading the story!
Hope you enjoy!
Link to Response                   Video of Chicken Sunday

Friday 19 June 2020

Reading Choiceboard

Reading Choiceboard

Kia Ora Bloggers! Today I will be blogging about our class reading Choiceboard. For the past 2 weeks we have been doing a different choiceboard. Before we had to choose out of around ten tasks now we only have four. Its really fun because lately the topic for reading has been Racism. The marches and talk about George Floyd has inspired most of our reading work. We have done different poems on race and Racism. Its also fun because the tasks are easy and fun. I really like doing choice boards! I love doing reading! How about you? Please tell me in the comments down below! I hope you enjoyed my blog post! Blog you later!



Talofa Lava Bloggers! Today I will be blogging about my day yesterday. On the 18th of June we had toolkits. This year it was different. Normally we would go to Hay Park Primary School, but this year we had to do it online. We had 6 Google meets going at once. Google Meet is like face time, many people could go on at once. Toolkits is where you get to learn new things online. Last year was fun but this year was like an obstacle. 

Two people or more will present their screens and show everyone something new. When you're a presenter you show people something they probably don't know and they can show what they learnt to their friends or class. It was an obstacle because people wouldn't respect the presenters or they would use the chat and say 'Hi' a lot. Some people would also not mute their mics so it was so loud. Lots of people got in trouble. I think the cause was friends would go on the same one and talk and go on the chat. It still was super fun! We had three sessions and it went on all day. 

First, we had a big meeting with all the teachers from the different schools all around Ako Hiko. It was hilarious because the internet wasn't working properly and Miss Daly's computer kept on glitching! Then she got mad!  I think it was more frustrating and she had a tantrum and yelled. The mic was still on and everyone heard. 

After I had my first session it was fun! I did Digital Portraits! It was sort of hard but I got it in the end. My second session was the best! I did Scratching games. It was like scratch Junior but you code a game then you can post it for the public to play. The last one was super easy to understand. I did Piskel. Its like a pixel art app but it you can make it move! It was so fun. At the end of the day we filled in a reflection on a slideshow and then did a form. If we completed the form and sent it in then we would get a badge on our blog! I had so much fun and I hope you enjoyed my blog! Blog you later!
Ako Hiko Education Trust - Givealittle

My piskel Art