Monday, 19 August 2019

Preparing for Camp

The day before camp.....

Talofa Bloggers! Today I will be blogging about how I am feeling before I go to camp tomorrow. The teachers have written out 5 questions for us about what we are feeling and our emotions here they are. 

1. What emotions are you feeling before we go on camp?
My emotions I am feeling before camp are worried, excited, and over joyed I am feeling worried because I have never been snowboarding. I am feeling excited because I get to go places I have never been and finally I am feeling over joyed because I get to go on camp for 3 nights and 4 days with my friends.

2. What excites you, worries you and whats making you nervous?
Whats exciting me is that not only do I get to go with my friends but also with my Dad and it's my first time touching snow!! What worries me is since it's my first time snowboarding I might embarrass myself by falling over and whats making me nervous is that I can sometimes get car sick and the place we are staying at is  6 hours away.

3. What is the event or place that is going to push you out of your comfort zone or to your limits?
The event or place that is going to push me out of my comfort zone would definitely going to be snowboarding because when it's your first time it can sometimes be scary and you can get nervous. On the bright side I get to be with one of my best friends, Neeve.

4. What are you going to gain from camp?
What I am going to gain from camp is being more confident. I think that I will be more confident on the mountain and when I leave. I also think that I will be more self-manging like cleaning up after myself a bit more and picking up my clothes.

5. How do you think you will feel after camp?
I think after camp I will be exhausted because it's a long drive back and everyone will be so loud on the bus. I might also feeling proud of myself. I might feel proud of myself because I went to the mountain and I learnt how to snowboard.

I am feeling a mix of emotions but I am mainly feeling so excited to learn new things and to be able to hang with my friends. It will be so much fun and I hope the weather is good when we go camp I will do another blog about it and blog some photos.
If you have any spare time please comment down below if you have been to camp and how you felt.
Blog you later!!😜

Mt Ruapehu

Friday, 9 August 2019

Litter Blitz

Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser!

Hey Bloggers, today I will be telling you a little bit about the Bunnings BBQ fundraiser that our school did for our camp this term. On Saturday the 27th of July some students in Te Waka Ako went to Mt Roskill Bunnings for a fundraiser. Me, Hosanna and Jonathan had the first hour & a half. The teacher there was Mrs Jones, Jonathan's Mum, Mrs McClellan was also there helping and Hosannas Mum Kristen. Jonathan was first in charge of dealing the money and Hosanna was in charge of the sauces and helping her Mum to do the sausages and I was in charge of the cupcakes that Mrs Mcellan made.
We had heaps of fun selling sausages and helping out. The best part of doing the cupcakes was heaps of people wanted them and one lady came and only had twenty dollars so she bought 20 little cupcakes because they were only $1 each.

Miss Daly came soon for her shift to swap with Mrs Jones at around 11:50am and it started at 8:30am. Mrs Jones stuck around for a bit longer though. One of the funniest and generous things that happened was a very kind man gave us ten dollars and said keep the change, Hosanna was very thankful. The next person paid twenty dollars and Hosanna said to him "Would you like your change?" He responded like "Yes!? I want my change!" Then we gave his change once he left everyone cracked up laughing and Hosanna learnt to just give the customer their change they have change. I had a great time and i'm sure everyone after us had great fun. We fundrised heaps of money for our camp. Then we left it to Miss Daly and her new slot of children.
Hope you enjoyed reading my blog!
If you have any free time then comment down below and give some feedback!
Blog you later!