Three, Two, One Action!
Talofa lava bloggers! Today I will be blogging about our production rehearsals! In Te Waka Ako everyone is busy learning lines for our production. This year we have a production called Jasmine and Aladdin. Miss McGrath is the producer and director of the production (& all round super star)! Every Friday in the middle block we have a rehearsal with Miss McGrath. During rehearsals we run through the scenes. Brittany is Jasmine and she has been working very hard and so has Masi who is Aladdin. We have rehearsals after school too from 3:15 to 4:15. The production is in Term 4 so we have some time to practice. Production rehearsals are very fun and Miss McGrath is very good at acting and she arranged the wonderful script and is very talented. I can't wait till production night!
Hope you enjoyed my blog post! If you have time please comment down below!